Thursday, October 2, 2008

Blogger Blogging.

I've never truly been a blogger. I've tried it here and there but I truly never go into it. I've always gave up, ain't that the story of my life. I don't know. I guess just never got how people can put their life on display for total strangers. But the more I think of it, the more intriguing and interesting the concept becomes. Most likely no one will ever read my lame blog and no one will ever care what it is I'm wasting my time typing or saying. But strangely enough this is going to be my therapeutic release. I've always maintained that I live in my own world. You know where no one else's opinion really counts? Like I get to pick what I let in and what I shut out. I pick what get's cutoff and what gets a life line. But it's not like that show, "Who wants to be a Millionaire". Definately not that kind of life line. Have I mentioned that I'm the randomest person in the world? Sometimes I get really hard to follow. I make loose associations and I'm even delusional at times. But rest assured I have yet to be diagnosed with schizophrenia. Though I happened to have diagnosed myself with borderline personality disorder. Is it true? God knows. If there is a God that is. That's another story. I'll type it out sooner or later. Hopeless romantic, mentally disturbed, poorly fated; I don't know, call me what you want because at the end of the day I'm just another blogger on greatly vast internet.

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