Saturday, October 4, 2008

What do you do when your car starts giving off smoke?

Right before you get on the bridge, you ask? Well, you keep on going and pray to whatever holy power you believe in that you'll make it to school before you car explodes in a fiery mess. Oh yes!

Friday morning something of the sorts happened to me. As I slowly made my way towards the bridge in the morning rush something quite disturbing happened. A cloud of smoke arose from the hood of my car. Fearful, I turned down the music pounding my speakers and told my racing heart to calm down. I definately heard something break under that hood but the car was still, thankfully, moving. As I approached the bridge I was counting on the car to stall and make me the person everyone was angry at for stalling traffic on a Friday morning. Thankfully, I got over that bridge, only to have my car completely die at a busy intersection. I quickly flicked on my emergency lights and began sobbing. Suddenly it clicked! Put the stupid thing in park and try starting it again. Oh please, oh please just start damnit! And just like that my partner in crime awoke and cautiously with tears in my eyes and not too much hope in my heart, I continued my journey toward school. The car was definately overheating, in fact, the gauges were indicating explosion in the near future. With countless stalls on the way I finally got my car parked in stall number 200. Thanks my lucky stars.

Later when one of my classmates checked the damn thing for me, they told me I had definatley bursted a hose.

The moral of this story, call your mother while your car is stalled at busy intersection, whilst you sob and ask what you should do. It'll score you a down payment for a new car in no time. Now the search is on to find the next leading car in my life's story.

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